Monday, April 23, 2007

Connecting to TREES?

TREES: (student-led group at PSR) Theological Roundtable on Ecological Ethics and Spirituality.

TREES, a student-based, inter-religious organization at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, seeks to raise awareness of the issues that surround the ecological demise of the earth. We focus on raising awareness at the Educational/Philosophical, Institutional/Physical-Structural, and the Communal/Bioregional levels. By raising environmental awareness, we hope to provide a grassroots catalyst for change towards a more sustainable way of life for all life on the planet. We actively promote the concept that "the environment is not just an issue among issues, but the context for all issues."

Renowned theologian Rosemary Radford Ruether has been serving as faculty mentor, but she's not based in the Bay Area any longer. Note their "Communal/Bioregional" component, which outreaches to religious communities for collaborative educational efforts, and links to resources.

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